Keeping Your Working Dog Safe from Heartworm:
The Importance of Prevention

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Working dogs are often exposed to a range of health risks due to their active lifestyle. One of the most serious of these risks is heartworm disease. Heartworms are parasitic worms that are transmitted by mosquitoes and can cause significant damage to a dog's heart and lungs. The good news is that heartworm disease is preventable, and there are several preventative medications available, including ProHeart 12, ProHeart 6, and Heartgard. However, before starting any preventative, it is important to run a blood test to ensure the dog is not already infected.
Heartworm disease can be devastating to working dogs, as it can limit their ability to perform their duties and even threaten their lives. Prevention is key, and the best way to prevent heartworm disease is by using a preventative medication. ProHeart 12, ProHeart 6, and Heartgard are three of the top preventatives on the market.
ProHeart 12 is a once-a-year injectable preventative medication that provides 12 months of protection against heartworm disease. This medication is a great option for working dogs who are busy and may have owners who forget to administer monthly preventative medications. ProHeart 12 is also convenient for owners who have trouble administering pills to their dogs.
ProHeart 6 is another injectable preventative medication that provides 6 months of protection against heartworm disease. This medication is great for owners who prefer to administer their dog's preventative medication every six months instead of monthly. ProHeart 6 is also a good option for owners who are concerned about their dog's exposure to ticks, as it provides protection against both heartworms and certain tick species.
Heartgard is a monthly chewable preventative medication that comes in a variety of flavors. This medication is easy to administer and can be given with or without food. Heartgard is a great option for owners who prefer a monthly preventative medication that is easy to remember to administer.
Before starting any preventative medication, it is important to have the dog tested for heartworm disease. If a dog is already infected, starting preventative medication could lead to serious health consequences. The heartworm test is a simple blood test that can be performed by a veterinarian. It is important to have this test performed annually, even if the dog is already on preventative medication.
In conclusion, heartworm disease is a serious health risk for working dogs, but it is preventable with the use of preventative medications such as ProHeart 12, ProHeart 6, and Heartgard. Before starting any preventative medication, it is important to have the dog tested for heartworm disease to ensure that the medication will not cause harm. By taking preventative measures and regularly testing for heartworm disease, owners can help keep their working dogs safe and healthy.
Keeping Your Working Dog Safe from Heartworm
Heartworm is easily prevented and can be deadly if allowed to go unchecked. Here are some tips to keep your dog safe.